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Intro: Gifts Of The Spirit. This teaches the foundation to understanding the Gifts God bestows on every believer.

Do you want to be used by God?
My goal is to help you:
Understand The Spiritual Gifts
Know what your spiritual gift is,
Learn to experience God Using you.
This blog will contain teachings & Testimonies to help you on your Spiritual Journey
What can happen when you give God the game plan for your life.
God works in my business.
Family & Kids
God works in my family.
Hunting stories that show God is at work.
Other Stories
B.C. Before Christ
Fun Facts To Forget
God works through sports.

Photographer | Storyteller | Writer
David Sanford
The purpose of Give God The Game Plan is: to help people understand The Spiritual Gifts. Everyone is born with an Inherent Spiritual Gift. There are also Ministry Gifts and Manifestation Gifts. The teachings here will help you understand the differences. Once you understand the Gifts, the stories will build your faith and inspire you to step out to be used by God to benefit people you come in contact with: your family, friends and co-workers. The gifts are not just for Sunday services.
Jesus had a word of knowledge for the woman at the well. Because of it: she accepted Christ and was immediately used by God to lead many in her village to Christ. Do you want to be used like that? If so, read on…
I was church shopping and went to a church I’d never been to before. As I was walking out the door after the service a man came up to me and said he had a word from God for me. “It changed my life”.
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Dave shared what he experienced the day his son was born. Unbeknownst to him, I had an appointment to get an abortion the very next day. After hearing his story I knew I couldn’t go through with it. I thank God every day He made our paths cross that day.
Woman at a rehearsal dinner.
We had been trying to get pregnant for 5 years. All the medical fertility options had failed and we’d given up. We visited a church and this guy approached us after service and said, “God spoke to me when you walked in, “They are trying to get pregnant!” He said he didn’t think God would tell him that unless He was going to change it. Our baby was born 14 months later.
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