Is What You’re Living For Worth Dying For?

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Is What You’re Living For Worth Dying For?

As God was drawing me closer to Himself, He spoke to me in some very interesting ways.  One of them was: I watched a movie about people going into the witness protection program.  One scene that stuck out in my mind was the handler walked into the house with the family.  There was: a father, mother and two teenage kids.  He handed them each a bag smaller than the plastic bag you’d get at the grocery store and said, “Everything you can take has to fit in this bag.” Of course all the family members objected. It was explained to them: the people that who wanted to kill them would figure things out if they took too much stuff with them.  They were reminded that the plan was to make it look like they all died and when you die you don’t take things with you.  Anyway there were arguments but they gathered some things.

 It was kind of a b-grade movie. It wasn’t great but I watched it because it was fairly entertaining. And I believe God wanted me to. Then just a few days later, I drove by a church.  Outside the church was one of those signs they change every week. It announced the next Sunday’s sermon title was: “Is what you’re living for Worth Dying For?”  When I read that, it really hit me hard.  It made me think about that movie I had just seen. It’s miraculous how God created the timing.  I started thinking: what am I Living for? That was one of the significant events God orchestrated to move me closer to giving God the game plan for my life.

