Uncle Bill’s Buck

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Uncle Bill’s Buck

Uncle Bill’s 9 point buck

Let me explain one mystery God revealed to me you may or may not be aware of.  Uncle Bill and I were talking one day and Bill said to me that he could not believe how long it had been since he had gotten a deer.  He mentioned a buck he missed when he and I were hunting by the bowling alley.  He said that buck was standing broadside at not more than 40 yards and he could not believe he could have missed it.  God revealed to me it was because of Bill’s bitterness and anger toward Bobby.  Before we left that year I told Bill what I believed God had revealed to me.  At the end of the following season Bill said to me, “You remember that conversation we had?”  I instantly knew which conversation he was talking about out of all that we had. Bill quietly said, “I think you were right.”

Before the next deer season the land surrounding Bobby’s blind was logged. On the next opening morning (the first time after that Bill sat down with a gun) he shot the biggest buck of his life.

